July 29, 2023
Many factors contribute to changes in our skin as we age; some changes we can influence while others are wired into our DNA.
There is a natural aging process that is inherent with time - we all get lines on our face, skin becomes thinner and drier and we lose some of the fullness in our cheeks. Our genetic make-up decides much of how fast and noticeable these changes are and the speed with which this happens will be unique for each person. The scientific term for this type of aging is “intrinsic aging.”
Having said that, we must be mindful that there are elements of our skin’s changes that we can control and this is known as “extrinsic aging”. This describes skin ageing that can be controlled by controlling the environmental factors we allow our skin to be exposed to, lifestyle choices we make, and even foods we eat. By taking some preventive actions, we can minimize extrinsic ageing and keep our skin looking its very best.
What We Can Do To Reduce Extrinsic Skin Aging
Finally – always remember:
Have realistic expectations. Exaggerated promises, such as look 10 years younger overnight or quickly reduces all signs of aging, are too good to be true. It’s important to remember that anti-aging skin care products deliver modest results. You cannot get the results of a facelift from a cream.
Never too late to benefit - Even people who already have signs of premature skin aging can benefit from making lifestyle changes. By protecting your skin from the sun, you give it a chance to repair some of the damage. Smokers who stop often notice that their skin looks healthierSeptember 06, 2024
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