February 05, 2019


Everybody knows your bones give your body structure and support, form a key part of your mobility, and make blood cells. But did you know your bone tissue is in a constant dynamic cycle of being broken down and rebuilt?  If your bone production slows down and it gets out of balance with the resorption, then you end up with a decreased bone mass and weak, brittle bones. This is called osteoporosis, and you might not even know you have it.

Osteoporosis develops over a long period of time. It can be caused by decreased levels of estrogen, certain medications or medical conditions, even some medical procedures can damage bone production. And like many conditions, osteoporosis can be caused by lifestyle. Poor diet, tobacco use, excessive alcohol consumption, and a sedentary lifestyle can all contribute to weak bones.

You won’t know when you develop osteoporosis. There are no symptoms at first. By the time symptoms develop they are often chalked up to simply ageing. For example, back pain, stooped posture, and height loss are all symptoms of bone loss that are often simply attributed to aging.

The problem with osteoporosis is that those weaker bones are much more likely to fracture than healthy bones. In fact, it’s been estimated that 1 in 3 women, and 1 in 5 men over the age of 50 will suffer a bone fracture because of osteoporosis. Unfortunately, many of them won’t even know they have osteoporosis until they experience a break.

A broken leg or arm as a kid created some level of celebrity as the process of collecting signatures on that cast generated a lot of attention. But there’s nothing fun about a broken bone as an older adult. In fact, in the older age group, fractures can cause chronic pain, decrease our ability to live independently, make daily activities difficult or impossible, worsen our quality of life, and can even increase the likelihood of serious complications and death. Many older adults who suffer fractures because of osteoporosis do so in the spine or hip, and frequently end up moving into long-term care due to loss of mobility.

Currently, the only test that can detect weakened bones, a bone mineral density (BMD) test, isn’t routinely given to people under the age of 65. A BMD test is generally recommended for women 65 and older, men 70 and older, or anyone over the age of 50 who breaks a bone. And once you’ve suffered a broken bone due to osteoporosis, the chances of future fractures is multiplied.

The best way to prevent osteoporosis is to start taking care of your bones when you’re young – your peak bone mass is reached between 20 and 30. You can strengthen your bones with weight-bearing exercise and with a diet that includes plenty of protein, calcium, vegetables, and vitamins D and K. 

But if you’re already past 30, it’s not too late. While it’s best to promote healthy bones your entire life, it’s never too late to strengthen them, even after suffering a fracture. Diet, exercise, and vitamins are crucial for supporting healthy bones at any age. But you can now go a step further. In recent studies, small-molecule collagen has emerged as a power player in the fight against osteoporosis.

Evidence suggests that the same marine collagen peptides that make your hair stronger and your skin smoother can meaningfully increase bone mineral density, decreasing the risk for fracture. It’s not surprising considering collagen is the primary protein that builds your bones and gives them their flexibility and strength.

DeepMarine is a 100% made-in-Canada collagen that helps your body increase your bone mineral density for stronger, more flexible bones. So you can maintain an active and healthy lifestyle at any age. And by choosing made-in-Canada, you are assured the highest quality of raw materials and production that meets the worlds strictest health and safety standards.

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