Insomnia - Eight Ways You Can Prevent It

October 11, 2021

Woman suffering from insomnia

Everyone has difficulty sleeping occasionally. Financial worries, stress of a global pandemic, or even something small like having that cup of coffee a little bit too late in the day can all contribute to sleepless nights now and then.

But if those occasional sleepless nights have become an all too regular thing, you may be suffering from insomnia, a common sleep disorder. Chronic insomnia can be associated with another medical condition, or it can stand on its own as a primary problem. Tens of millions of adults worldwide deal nightly with insomnia and have trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, or they wake up way too early and can’t get back to sleep.

Insomnia takes a terrible toll on health, both physical and emotional. Chronic insomnia can often lead to irritability, anxiety, and even depression. People who suffer from insomnia often have a hard time paying attention to tasks, remembering, and maintaining focus. Plus, chronic lack of sleep makes people much more prone to accidents or errors. For people in critical jobs such as medicine, or for those who have jobs such as driving a truck, this could be fatal.

Causes of Insomnia and Risk Factors

So, what causes insomnia?

The causes underlying insomnia are multi factorial and can often overlap in one individual. Stress, poor sleep habits, disruption in circadian rhythms (your body’s internal biological clock) due to travel and work schedules, and even eating too much too late in the day can be the culprit.

Additional causes can include anxiety and other mental health disorders, medical conditions ranging from chronic pain to heart disease. Consumption of caffeine, alcohol and nicotine can also disrupt sleep, as well as interference of medications both prescription and over-the-counter meds such as cold medicines and allergy medications.

Insomnia also, unfortunately, becomes more common as we age, as older people’s sleep patterns change, activity levels tend to decrease, plus more older people have health conditions and take medications that may interfere with sleep.

Risk factors for developing insomnia include being female, being over the age of 60, working changing shifts, having a frequent travel schedule, having a mental health condition, or being under a lot of stress.

Eight Ways To Treat Insomnia

So what can you do to prevent insomnia?

One -Try to get a few minutes of natural sunlight on your face first thing in the morning. This will help set your biological clock for the day and greatly assist you in getting to sleep at night.

Two -Exercise regularly as this promotes sleep. Try not to work out too close to bedtime though as this can interfere with your getting to sleep.

Three - Limit your electronic screen exposure in the evenings. If you must use your computer or phone, use a blue light filter or blue-blocking glasses.

Four - Limit caffeine to early in the day. Avoid alcohol, and if you smoke, ask your health care provider for help in quitting.

Five - If you take prescription or over-the-counter medications, check to see if they can interfere with sleep. If it’s a prescription medication that is causing the problem, talk to your doctor to see if a change can be made.

Six - Limit daytime naps to no more than 30 minutes or avoid them completely.

Seven -Develop a relaxing routine around bedtime, such as listening to soothing music, 10 minutes of simple deep breathing, reading, taking a warm bath, or having a cup of relaxing non-caffeinated herbal tea such as chamomile.

Eight -Make sure your bedroom is comfortable with a good mattress and pillows and black-out curtains to block out all light. Use your bedroom only for sleep and sex and nothing else.

Finally be sure to take your DeepMarine Collagen daily.  New research has shown that consumption of the amino acid glycine, found in collagen supplements, can help you fall asleep faster and also improve the quality of your sleep.  Study participants also reported improvements in energy levels and feelings of "clear-headedness".

Sweet dreams!

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