September 14, 2020
If you didn’t already have enough reasons to get out and exercise, then fighting depression and improving mental health are good ones to add to the list.
Both Harvard Medical School and the Mayo Clinic talk about proven science showing that even as little as 30 minutes of moderate exercise 3-5 times per week can be very effective at preventing clinical depression, bring mood improvement, enhance cognitive function, lift self-esteem, and reduce anxiety.
If you’re like me and you don’t love exercising, then find ways to turn daily activities into physical movement. Walking to work is a great way to bring exercise into an activity you have to do anyway. If you live close enough to your office to walk the whole route, then leave a bit earlier and make that your mental health activity. If you take transit, then get off about 1km from your regular stop and get in 15 minutes of brisk walking.
Remember, even as little as 15 minutes of physical movement a day will make a very significant difference in your mood and your ability to keep depression out of your life.
September 06, 2024
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