4 Menopause Symptoms You Can Combat With Marine Collagen

March 08, 2019

Menopausal women used collagen to combat symptoms

Ladies, we know menopause is coming but that doesn’t make it any easier to live with the symptoms. Hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, sleep disturbances, dry and thinning hair, and joint pain, to name a few. We hope that this is a time in our lives that will be so much more relaxed and freer than our child-rearing years. Happily, for many, these are the years we can finally slow down and enjoy life with our partners again after the kids have grown up. But for some, symptoms of menopause can change our routines, our relationships, and how we see ourselves.

The healthcare industry offers hormone replacement therapy and pharmaceutical solutions for many symptoms, but drugs aren’t the right solution for everybody, and pharmaceutical relief often comes with the downside of side effects.

Interventions like yoga, mindfulness, and acupuncture offer alternative solutions for some symptoms like anxiety, sleep disturbances, and mood swings.  Additionally, diet and exercise are always beneficial.

But you probably never thought about marine collagen as a natural way to manage some of the  symptoms of menopause. Did you know that several of the common symptoms of menopause are due to decreasing collagen levels? It starts in your ovaries, where estrogen is produced. Menopausal ovaries stop producing estrogen, and because estrogen stimulates collagen production, collagen levels decrease along with estrogen levels, causing changes to your skin, hair, bones and joints. Adding DeepMarine collagen to your daily routine can help manage some of the symptoms.

Thin, Dry Skin

The post-menopause decrease in estrogen and collagen means less support for your skin. Collagen is what gives skin elasticity, firmness, and structure, and also helps it hold in moisture. As collagen levels decrease, skin becomes thinner and drier – leading to wrinkles and sagging.  DeepMarine’s collagen peptides restore collagen levels in skin which builds stronger skin cells that hold moisture better.  This reduces the appearance of fine lines and restores the skin’s youthful lustre.

Brittle, Thinning, and Dry Hair

Menopause can cause hair to become thin and dry, and even cause hair loss. Again, decreasing hormone and collagen levels are one of the culprits. Collagen is important to hair health because the hair follicle resides deep in the skin’s dermal layer and is nourished by the dermis.  When collagen levels drop, the dermal layer is weaker and less able to nourish hair follicles.  When you supplement with DeepMarine collagen, the collagen in your dermal layer is more abundant which improves follicle health and helps your hair to be healthier and fuller.

Joint Pain

You may notice your joints feel achy and stiff more than before. This might be the first signs of osteoarthritis, or even old injuries that you start to feel again. This is because collagen, the building block of your connective tissues, was supporting the cartilage that protects your joints. But as estrogen and collagen decline, inflammation and pain increase, and you can’t help but slow down.  Marine collagen peptides will help rebuild and strengthen connective tissues and also reduces joint inflammation and pain for more comfortable joint movement.

Bone Mineral Density

And then there’s the symptom you won’t notice until you’ve suffered a painful fracture: loss of bone mineral density (osteoporosis). As estrogen and collagen levels decline, your bone tissue production slows down, and bones become brittle. In fact, research suggests you lose a significant amount of bone density in the first five years after menopause. Collagen is especially important to bones; it’s the primary protein that builds bones and gives them their flexibility and strength. Supplementing with marine collagen peptides has been shown to improve the structure, and density of your bones.

Four symptoms, one solution

DeepMarine’s 100% Canadian-made marine collagen is a natural option to support your skin, hair, joints, and bones from the effects of menopause. One to two scoops per day can help you stay more active and live your best life.

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